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Why Wellness is critical to Success

Written by Darcel Osei

Ahh, the pursuit of success! We get a good education, apply for the best jobs, start our own businesses, push and grind, all in the name of success. Along the way, we pick up misguided ideas about what it means to be successful. Grinding into the wee hours and getting through the day with caffeine and sugar. Then crashing later in the day and topping up the caffeine and sugar. We can see it though, that light at the end of the tunnel. That light that indicates success. We are getting there. If we just keep pushing. Burn that midnight oil for a few more months and we will get there.

But along the way, throughout the journey, how do we feel? And what happens when we get to this imagined point of success? Do we even make it? Or do we crash and burn? Or, could we have made it sooner if we were functioning more optimally?

Today we measure success by income, accolades and possessions. But what about YOU? How are you physically, mentally, and spiritually? Do you feel balanced and energised? Or are you dragging yourself out of bed each day, counting on that caffeine hit? Are you driven by your zest for what you do or purely by the implied ‘success’ that it might bring? Do you have the resilience to see failures as opportunities for further discovery and growth, or do you crumble and give up? Do you feel WELL?

My invitation in these words is to have a deeper look at what SUCCESS really means to you. I invite you to consider the possibility of thriving as a human being, not when you have reached some decided upon point that indicates success, but throughout the entire journey. I invite you to redefine your definition of success on your terms, not what anyone else deems it to be. And finally, I invite you to make your wellness a priority; a necessary and included part of the journey to success, and see what happens.

What does wellness look like? It looks like starting your day with an empowering hour- or less, or more-of movement, mind and breath work, journaling, setting of intentions, reading- whatever speaks to you. It is about having a moment to yourself at the start of the day to ground you physically, mentally and spiritually- putting you in an ideal, more balanced state to tackle the day ahead. Wellness looks like eating to promote optimal function of the body and the brain. It is making nutritious choices that optimize your energy, keep your blood sugar balanced, optimize brain function and boost your mood. Wellness is also about nurturing your connections with the self, others, and the environment. An afternoon walk in the park with a colleague after lunch is a great way to ensure this, for example.

Prioritizing sleep is one that gets consistently overlooked. Somewhere in our pursuit of success, sleep became this gross waste of time that we could be using to be productive. Where in fact, the cost of neglecting a good night’s sleep is actually productivity. This comes in the form of reduced brain function and resulting illness. Sleep is essential to overall health. It is a necessary restorative period for the body and the brain.

The bottom line, supported by scientific research, is that an optimally functioning body, mind and spirit lends itself to improved productivity. It comes down to feeling great in the pursuit of success. Success is a journey, it is not a destination. We give ourselves some elusive end point that will indicate our success, but the truth is, the journey never ends there. It continues, indefinitely. We keep learning, growing and moving forward. The grind and hustle and sleepless nights are not sustainable. We will never feel great, we will lose time to illness, or we will flat out crash and burn. And then, what was it all for?

In every moment, through every process, we must be thriving; feeling great in all three pillars of health. As a result, our productivity will be greater as we work smarter, not harder. We will have the drive and motivation to keep going, even when faced with challenges and obstacles. We will experience balance and fulfilment, which leads to happiness and peace. This is real success. I suppose the famous quote “It is about the journey, not the destination”, rings true here. So as you take those steps and work towards that big dream that you have for your life, I invite you to try the wellness to success approach. Watch how it changes you and the journey ahead.

To your everlasting success!!

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