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I'll do it when...

Written by Darcel Osei

Is this phrase familiar to you? It certainly is to me. We know what that big move is that we need to make, but we tell ourselves we are not ready. So we focus on the smaller tasks, convincing ourselves that we are taking the next step. But what we are actually doing is taking the next step in our comfort zone. And here’s the thing, no big change happens in our comfort zone!

We keep ourselves ‘busy’ with task after task, reading, researching, listening to that next podcast or tweaking that website, telling ourselves that we will do it when... You’re stalling!! There is no gentler way to put it. Things will never be perfect. There will always be another book to read or podcast to listen to, more information to consume. But the time to take action is NOW! And you know it! Take that step! Put yourself out there, have that conversation, do that thing that scares you- that thing that will move the needle.

My invitation to you is to get out of preparation mode and into action mode. That change you are looking for, that impact, that success, the opportunities to learn and grow- they lie on the other side of action. And yes, it will probably be uncomfortable, but I encourage you, no, I empower you to find the magic in that- get comfortable in the discomfort. Find the seeds for growth there- sit with them, nurture them and see what blooms. Hey, we all like being comfortable. But if you are reading this, then I know you have some immense dreams and aspirations for yourself. The hard truth is, no one sees their big dreams come to life by sitting in their comfort zone.

So if you know this is you, and you have that big thing you have been working towards, but the time to take the leap just never seems to come- do it today! You can’t lose. It’ll either go incredibly well and be as successful as you imagined it; or it won’t and you’ll have an opportunity to learn and grow from it. So with that in mind, if this is you today, get uncomfortable, love it and take that leap!

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