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Funny how the road of life takes you exactly where you need to go even when you don’t know it…

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Written by Darcel Osei

How did I get here? Cue pandemic! Fear, panic, anxiety, overwhelm of being locked down with a toddler. I suddenly realised I was not okay, in a way that I had never experienced. I imagine everyone reading this can likely relate. I had no idea what to do, I felt really and truly stuck. My career as a performer had ended a couple months prematurely, we were locked down so I could not move on to the next thing. What was I going to do?

The long term plan to get my Masters’ Degree suddenly felt pointless. Everything at that time felt pointless and the fear was real. The fear of getting fatally ill, the fear of loved ones getting fatally ill. How was I going to keep my family and myself safe?

Then a really good friend put me on to a podcast. A podcast about health and wellness, but really a podcast that empowered. I started listening to some episodes about our current global situation and I was reminded about the real power and control that we have over our own health. I could feel my anxiety start fading away as I suddenly realised that I was in the driver’s seat when it came to my health. I started making small changes- making sure I moved everyday, adjusted the way I was eating, I started making time to meditate and journal. I started to feel a little more grounded.

And the more I listened and learned, I realised, people need to know this stuff. Why isn’t this stuff making headlines? Why aren’t people being empowered instead of dis-empowered and made to feel afraid. This was my calling, this is what I had to do. I needed to be a messenger.

And so the journey to becoming a Transformational Nutrition Coach began. I needed to empower people to not be afraid like I was; to remind them that the power is in their hands. And oh, I had a lot of transforming to do myself and that is still ongoing. From therapy, to coaching, to intentional changes in my day to day life- the transformation continues. But it is beautiful, it is liberating and yes I have to say it again- it is empowering. And I would love to empower you…

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